ukurova University Engineering Department, the machine M hendisli I Mimarl k M B l m Ba Fak blood Prof. Kadir Ayd n, especially in the automotive market, TV allowance ' rise, used in the search for al m lmamas I in fairing, in ma duriyetle profit la r n m and captivating elements like the sound of the engine of g rather than "most" I had to be reported to olunmas with the admin.
Ayd n, an arrow that second hand cars sat lkemizde n d g r n n studied ini, when al pulse is not asked enough flour and engine bakmay msatt g rd n an.
Sun n al sterilmesinin do not, a mechanic from vehicles a g n a n, indicating that the situation correctly Ayd n g Jeff clabeaux ka na mas ok detail the way a t n reported.
Ayd n, a line of longitude that extends from second hand car market in the ard TV allowance, but in parallel, n n moves recently, tirilerek "en" in the engine and the ase number I make search s n auto markets rented lm and lemi in Sun ld y n n n pleasurable sensations. in common purchasing klar This is the case then ma stop cars on the field that ilerin kalabildiklerini noted: "this is the reason that explains the Ayd n, it search the Sun n al n r n m, and one of the engine when the bonnet, the environment, rather than bilgisayarl g test made r g sterilmeli na zen to be made. The car is not, and most are subject to the import nt tutulmad n I move engine, and the numbers must be checked to understand I in ase. For this I search in the service or the nmadan nce s Sun n al niversitelerin in the computer environment in test labs. "tutulmal
Ayd n, bilgisayarl a lanarak arrow device in the car's make lan tests a way out of the ge irildi .ini de ba see, "" Vehicles, motor pranma share and preparing a g c, y, determining State Kaportan n de I is not whether the paint, getting the most par alar and profit whether the profit control, gas and brake hidroli mad p, ase, such as the b t n b amortis folders and electric parts in a rigorous way, under review, "he said. l albums
Ayd n, the n or na and motor vehicles that, this is what the g c g re most prices in 150-200 € and I and about 3 hours to make ld n k s rd n reported.
Seamless handover I had to be made of this I make a lemlerin not necessarily the case that highlights the Ayd n, ma and the money that you're both in the kal nd stop otomobilden lawyer named tutulmas, and the side s ra ayr ca yaratt s k nt s n n s recin what ge treatises do n said.
Prof. Dr. Ayd n, al from second hand cars register + n n n n d k kilometreli consider joining the side s ra, diesel injection and is available at pompan n sa lam is n n kaportada r me paints is the observation, ayr ca, d z n sa a swell on the way to the problem of the left and then work your way down to the team, the vehicles braking ekmedi balatalar n n n n sa is not moist una sowed attention lam.
T m n n n a line of longitude that extends from the appropriate EC are, in the case of vehicles in the ard price nabilece telling the Ayd n, n al PHP.ini "after the first, Second or n n I n the plugs and transferred through the plug useful do r" found in the warn s..
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