24 Ağustos 2011 Çarşamba

New Ford Cargo

8 x 4 x 4 market segments in 2010 Ford Otosan and presented the new n Series damper and mixer models, market WWTP u what kmay.T rk hendisleri-party-developed New Ford Cargo from the development of the m n aat Series 50 y ll k know-how r n

Ford Cargo Series of tan s t m meeting New n aat in a share of the market, they will get made, stating that the subject of mada humid General M d r Nuri Otay Ford Otosan, "as the leader in the automotive market, the 50 k y n n a r r bemizi new tecr commercial search ll nlerimizi create when the exact k," he said. Otay, new in aat series make this segment a lan yacht r m n Ford Otosan most b I in yap lan on k was the flour and 1 million kilometers to a yacht, r m, challenging tests of mineral beds and postal stationery at the moment is to these ko n and trucks in 2002 development has changed, and expectations do n m teri requires the yledi ini s.

The new n aat series Ford T rk r n m hendisleri at the center of the Advanced development of Gebze chill tasarland n n n n fabrikas, Ford Otosan, Turkey was, and the T in the market with a wide dealer was presented to the flour. Dayan kl l y d k search new high, transmission costs, Turkey was in the market, as well as the expectations of the T u s with ihra in markets that also was flour high y Otay; Europe, Russia, Ukraine, T Do u, North Africa, the Middle Do u, K rki Republics and Central Africa addressing a wide range up to lkelerine rfez their market, he said.

Nuri Otay, A r a g ta market focus strategies na vas the debugger as a new lanmaya also they go make organizational; r n advanced, production and marketing, purchase, sat, sat at the bottom of b l Protocol and a truck in the same odakl topland klar lanmay commissioned by specifying the Truck unit to make ald klar n M d r Yard mc l responsible for General K nay ' n n a na Ahmet. assigned.

The new Series will be the g r n n aat sekt logged

The truck Unit responsible for the General M d r Yard also served as a subject of mc s Ahmet K nay ma made. n s n f n n especially the x 4 series b aat y me with 16 ton st truck market that create this u n n 30%, the new n Series with sekt extract K nay aat 25% share of almay explained s yledi.

Nay, in the new n aat Series with sekt K annual profit customers requires s n t m g user m wide, with a commitment to n r n gam na layan highlighting, rultuda g, dayan kl l vehicles n this do I letme cost, space, height k, y, t, k, a brake performance, bo, dinami I rl yak economy over ld n stated that in the topics and the "new Series providing the full meaning of expectations with profit n aat r n n EC g new logged expect sectors," he said.

8 x 4 x 4 market segments in 2010 Ford Otosan and presented the new n Series damper and mixer models, market WWTP u what kmay aims

Ford Otosan ' n n n y l in most humid ata 2010 in aat truck segment refers to the marketing, Sun and add ti: ger Setup.ini he recalls a line of longitude that extends from the truck operations, M d r Vinay is responsible for the Sat the smoke is offered a line of longitude that extends from the market in the month of April 8 x 4 Mixer model 3536D (6 x 4 dump) and ard 4136D (8 x 4 dump) as a new series of models and search s r n gam na iddial Ford Cargo floor to do with a r n n and more wide gamut sekt r n t m a s n profit all the make or the restore process requires ulaca n s yledi.

New n Series and more ' go on kl, g l aat is more economical than

Smoke, g l, and the new Ford Cargo in aat intermediate s n n economic, 360 PS/1400 Nm of engine with optimal performance and yak t t evreci E5 ketimi de sa lad n, special preference values, or look at 20,000 miles with the Earth synthetic engine intervals with sekt is the most competitive I m r n service costs along with the boot.ini by s zlerini s rd rd brought: ' Z/Cam brake system brake performance and d k sa lad st n, m, n and the economics look that damp vehicles n performance expenses of one of the New n aat in what the kt Series, 500 Mpa reengineered 10 mm kal nl; in asi dayan m sa na styap n n yan s ra laml applications successfully and make appropriate esnekli I s.

Search with styap brackets styap c s n I, given that there was an styap n n t r, the optimum way to mount the ideal I in the floor of the preparation. The new wheel axle capacity is increased, with the n of n mod l challenging in the aat pitches in a comfortable search s n n abilmesi I in newly designed bumper and wheel al the k sa radyat r radyat r r n en competition with sekt and protective for the upcoming ma a s from y and I na ula l. 100 mm leaf springs, new balance, new lan, and the new steering wheel kinemati I, ubu u st n, with challenging ko sa lad even s r search dinami 80s alt na concentration warranty conditions c al. With a full sense of the expectations of profit r n Sekt founds, with the new n aat Series; comfortable gear up/down/r & d I s, arm akl seat, comfort and the lm cabin I I styap y g r c with the new rear glass that allows every late-I bring to the owners of k is k sa when played in odaklanmas, I numbered n art configuration allows. and then work your way down to about n giving; the owner of both the I and s r c s n happy New n Series, a new Ford Cargo sectors re. "pale will bring the aat

This news 301 so far okunmustur.

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